Konceptualne metafore lahko razvrstimo glede na kognitivno funkcijo v strukturne, ontološke in orientacijske.
. But the strength of a blended metaphor—like all metaphors—is its power to delight and shock readers and to obstacle them to move past notions of “proper” or “incorrect” metaphors.
“Tu corazón, tambor de tu pecho”: Se expresa el término authentic que es corazón y posteriormente se habla de un tambor, esto para establecer la similitud entre el sonido del primero y el segundo.
Razvila se je v prvi polovici 20. stoletja, za njenega začetnika pa je razglašen I. A. Richards, ki je v svoji razpravi Metaphor (1936) uvedel novo razumevanje metafore in prelomil z retoričnim pojmovanjem metafore, saj metafore ne pojmuje več kot jezikovni odklon ali okras, temveč kot ubeseditev dveh idej, ki delujeta istočasno. O metafori lahko po Richardsu govorimo tedaj, ko »imamo dve misli o različnih stvareh, ki delujeta hkrati in se naslanjata na eno besedo ali izraz, smisel pa je rezultat njunega medsebojnega učinkovanja« . Za člena metafore je predlagal izraza tenor in car. Metafora je postavljena v predikacijo in obravnavana v kontekstu; tako je postala nekakšna mala zgodba za izražanje misli, čustev in domišljije.
En el campo de la literatura, cuando el autor o la autora de un texto poético utiliza achievedáforas, no busca transmitir ideas de manera sintética, sino que tiende a sustituir los términos reales por los imaginarios de un modo que no transmite un significado claro.
Metaphors are Employed in poetry, literature, and whenever somebody desires to add some coloration for their language
Experimental proof displays that "priming" individuals with materials from 1 region will influence how they carry out tasks and interpret language in a metaphorically related region.[Be aware 1]
. Se hace referencia a su posición en el cielo y a su constante movimiento cuando el viento las transporta.
As metaphier, twister carries paraphiers for example electricity, storm and wind, counterclockwise motion, and Hazard, threat, destruction, etc. The metaphoric meaning of twister is inexact: a person could possibly recognize that 'Pat is powerfully damaging' from the paraphrand of Bodily and emotional destruction; another person may well recognize the metaphor as 'Pat can spin out of control'. Inside the latter situation, the paraphier of 'spinning motion' happens to be the paraphrand 'psychological spin', suggesting a wholly new metaphor for psychological unpredictability, a perhaps apt description to get a human being rarely relevant into a tornado.
“Piernas more info de escoba”: Se establece la relación entre las piernas de la persona y la delgadez de un palo de escoba.
A mixed metaphor is commonly two metaphors sloppily mashed jointly as in, "the ball is while in the court of public feeling," which joins "the ball is as part of your courtroom" to "the court of general public impression." A mixed metaphor might also be made use of with good efficiency, nonetheless, as in Hamlet's speech:
The new indicating from the phrase might derive from an analogy amongst The 2 semantic realms, and also from other factors like the distortion of your semantic realm - as an example in sarcasm.
Овој цитат изразува метафора бидејќи светот не е буквална фаза. Со тврдењето дека светот е сцена, Шекспир користи поента на споредба меѓу светот и сцената за да пренесе разбирање за механиката на светот и однесувањето на луѓето во него.
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